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Black Cat Commandos Selection

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Black Cat Commandos Selection

National Security Guard

How are ‘Black Cat Commandos’ selected

“Black Cat Commandos” are commonly observed providing security for VIPs not protected by regular Army forces. These are National Security Guard (NSG) troops, the world’s toughest warriors who have been chosen through the most rigorous selection processes. Even in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack, these commandos regained control of the situation. Many youth would aspire to become a black cat commando. But it is a tough nut to crack.

National Security GuardBlack Cat Commando or NSG Selection Process:
The National Security Guard was founded in 1984 to safeguard some of the country’s most powerful individuals, including the Prime Minister and other senior government officials.

When it comes to selection, there is no direct recruitment process. For this, soldiers are selected from troops of army and paramilitary forces. About 53 percent of the selection is done from the Indian Army. Apart from this, 47 percent of commandos are selected from four paramilitary forces i.e. CRPF, ITBP, RAF and BSF.

NSG Training:
The commandos undergo an extremely strenuous training of 90 days. Initially one has to pass an examination for the election which is actually a week of rigorous training. It is said that 80 percent of the jawans fail in this. Only 20 per cent reach the next stage. By the last round of tests, this number comes down to 15 percent.

The most tough round begins following the final pick. This training session will last approximately 90 days. Throughout this time period, physical and mental training is provided. According to reports, warriors who begin training with a 40% certification level will complete the course with a 90% qualifying level. Additionally, training courses such as the Battle Assault Obstacle Course and the Counter Terrorist Conditioning Course are available. Finally, a psychological assessment is conducted.

NSG Salary:
The salary of NSG commandos ranges from Rs 84,000 to Rs 2.5 lakh per month. The average salary is around Rs 1.5 lakh per month. Apart from this, certain allowances are also offered.

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